Monday, December 7, 2009

Big Doins'

There has been lots going on in the Wagner house since the last update...just no time to blog! Let's see...

1) Nick is potty trained!!!! We thought that we were going to be watching him have his first dance as a groom and still be wearing a diaper. Nope! He decided one day that he was ready and that was that. The magazine articles and other parents were right...they will do it when they are good and ready. So it's been about 2.5 weeks and there has been maybe one accident. He wakes up dry 95% of the time and we don't even have to ask him if he has to go. It's FANTASTIC!!!! We are so proud of him. Although telling him after he goes (every single time) is getting a little old.

2) Chelsea had her first x-ray (not cool). She fell down the stairs on the day before my birthday and hurt her leg. It was one of those, "I am running up the stairs for one minute and the kids are totally engrossed so they will be fine" moments. Guess what? NOT FINE!!!!!!! I had visions of my beautiful baby girl in a cast and DSS taking my children from me for being a negligent mother. Even the doctor said something to the effect, "Little rascals, you take your eyes off of them for one second..." Made me feel slightly (very slightly) better. Thankfully no broken bones, just a strain.

3) Chelsea took her first steps. This was about 2 days before the leg injury which set her back a little bit but it's fun nevertheless. She also will stand up for what seems like hours (probably only a few minutes though) and just stand there with a sneaky little look on her face, taunting us, "i know you want me to walk but I am not going to because I am a devil child!"

4) A visit from one of my BFFs, Brooke, and her beautiful and talented daughter Kate!!! They were in from CA on their annual Thanksgiving visit and we managed to get together for a little while during their whirlwind visit. (They were supposed to come over for an extended, relaxing visit on the day Chelsea fell so unfortunately that got cancelled). The kids had fun playing and the mommys had fun chatting!

5) Chelsea has expanded her vocab. She's added a few words lately after not adding any for a while. She has said "mama", "dada", and "kitty" for a while and now we are hearing..."all done", "ball", "baby", "wawa" (for dog) "papa", I think there are more but I can't think of them right now. She has also said some form of "brother" for a while but that comes and goes. She can also point to her nose and her belly. It is so fun to see her doing new things and acting like a little person.

6) Nick has become a pretty decent photographer! He takes VERY random pictures but the ones he takes of people and objects on purpose actually come out really good.

Pictures of the various events below (except for the leg injury, we didn't bust out the camera for obvious reasons):

The Proud Potty Goer. Still has some trouble getting the legs in the right holes!!

Tommy's always gotta be all up in everybody's business!

Bubba Girl back in action, climbing all over everything

Playing (posing) with Kate. After she left Nick said, "I had so fun with Kate. She is a really great dancer." He always leaves out the word "much" when he says, "so much fun". Random.

A couple of Nick's masterpieces!

Chelsea saying "kitty" and making her cute little scrunched up face

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