Friday, March 11, 2011

The sun shines on Daddy

We had to record this one for posterity. Usually after dinner, or during dinner, or anytime of the day for that matter...the kids only have eyes for Mommy. I want to sit on Mommy's lap, I want Mommy to get me my milk, I want Mommy to help me find my blankie, etc, etc, etc. Not tonight. Maybe they were turned off by the cold that I have and the hacking cough and runny nose that goes with it. Whatever it was, they decided that tonight was Daddy's night and we were both fine with it. Ryan got some much needed Daddy love and I got to digest my dinner without someone (or two someones) crawling all over me.

1 comment:

Brooke said...

Insanely jealous of this post...I need some sun to shine on mommy. It is Daddyville in these parts. Enjoy, enjoy! xoxo