Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Glug, glug, glug

Yesterday Nick had his second dentist appointment. I had brought Chelsea to his first appointment and while we were there the dentist told me that we should continue to bring Chelsea so that she can see what it's all about and maybe she would be more comfortable when it came time for her turn. So Ryan brought Chelsea yesterday. Oh man. Bad idea. I asked Nick for the full recap once they got home and the highlight for him was bubblegum toothpaste and his new Lightening McQueen toothbrush. Then I asked Ryan, "so anything that we need to do or watch out for?" His answer, "Yeah, Chelsea alone in the waiting room." Apparently, when the dentist came in to chat, Chelsea walked down the hallway into the waiting area. Ryan wasn't too concerned because it was 10 feet away and he could see into it (although he couldn't see her). Well, 3 minutes later when he went to check on her, he found her holding down the blue spout on the water cooler and water was EVERWHERE! Big, wet circle on the floor. He sheepishly asked for paper towels and they nicely told him to forget it because it happens all the time. Oh my word. I could not stop laughing. Tears streaming down the face laughing. Still bursting out laughing thinking about it. Granted I probably wouldn't have thought it was quite so funny had it been me making the discovery. Just can't get it out of my head...her standing there with a steady stream of water pouring down around her feet having the time of her life and then Ryan's look of horror. He was still wearing the look when he came home and that made it even funnier.

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