Saturday, October 31, 2009

Happy Halloween!

Buzz and Butterfly were the first ones to hit the houses in our neighborhood! It was really our first Halloween with kids because Nick has refused to put on his costume the past two years. He was an old pro by the end of the night though. We kept telling Nick all day that he had to say "Trick-o-Treat" when he went to people's houses, but after he said it and got his candy he'd stare up at the people not really knowing what to do and we'd say, "ok, now what do you say?" (meaning thank you) and he'd say either, "it's Halloween!" or "Trick-o-Treat" again. It was a riot. He was also telling everyone, "My bucket is not filled to the top yet." It was a great way to get them to give him an extra piece! Worked like a charm every time. It's not like he knew he was manipulating them but Mommy and Daddy were loving it every time an extra Snickers or Reese's Peanut Butter Cup went into the Elmo Easter Basket because those are the ones we get to eat since Nick is allergic to peanuts!!!! Chelsea also had her first piece of candy tonight...a pink Laffy Taffy...she loved every last sticky suck!

(Sorry, this video is super short and not so great but Ryan was getting antsy because Chelsea was a little fussy and he wanted to get going and cut me off from taping!!)

1 comment:

Brooke said...

Happy Halloween! Looks like a great one! xoxo