5 days - Nick pretty much lived in the Swaddle Me for the first 2 or 3 months of his life

3 weeks - this is still my favorite picture of him EVER (notice the Swaddle Me - I guess he hung out on the Boppy a lot too!)

2 months - 1st playdate with Evan and Kyle
4 months - 1st Christmas (poor kid got a rash on his head from the Santa hat)
5 months - look at the "crust" all around his hairline. Poor little dude had the worst eczema ever (turns out he was allergic to peanut butter)
5 months - I LOVE this picture. I submitted it to the Parenting magazine/Regis and Kelly Beautiful Baby contest but they never called!
8 months - with Tommy, his BFF
9 months - Daddy getting him started on the XBox early
10 months - in dire need of a haircut!
1st Birthday! - he was NOT happy that day (turns out he was coming down with something...he puked all day long the next day! Poor guy.) There is a not so wonderful moment on the birthday video when you can hear Mom in the background expressing her frustration at his constant crying/whining by taking the Lord's name in vain. Oh the curses of modern technology!
14 months - NOT loving Daddy's Halloween wig. So far his second and third Halloweens have been a bust - he does NOT like wearing costumes.

16 months - 2nd Christmas - that is a cheese stick in his hand; he would not let it go
18 months - when he first crawled (he went straight to walking at 11 months and didn't crawl for the first time until he was about a year and a half)

20 months - the beginning of two good things: 1) he absolutely LOVES playing outside 2) sharing - he is always sharing what he has with people (although recently (at age 2.5) the word "mine" has started to creep in, hopefully it will pass)

22 months - gazing out over Lake Winnipesaukee with his morning cup of joe (aka Mommy's Chai Tea Latte - which he absolutely LOVES)
Two years old!!! He LOVES singing Happy Birthday and had a MUCH better time than his first birthday (hopefully he will appreciate the hard work Mommy put into the race track birthday cake; in case you couldn't tell what it was)

2 years, 2 months - Oh boy, boys will be boys!

2 years, 2 months - BIG BROTHER!!! We were VERY pleasantly surprised by his reaction to Chelsea. We thought that he would be very jealous but it turns out he is a doting, wonderful big brother.

2 years, 5 months - buzz cut! He moved while the girl was using the buzzers around his ears and she sliced a big hole in his beautiful hair that Mommy loved to run her fingers through! Mommy cried when she saw it (not because I didn't like, because it made him look so old!)
WHOA! That took waaaaay longer than I thought it would and was soooo much harder than I thought it would be!!! We have so many pictures and it was really hard choosing! Chelsea recap to follow shortly...thank goodness we only have 2.5 months of pictures of her to choose from.
Wow...that is so awesome! Great job, mom. I can only imagine how much time that took. I loved it!
Yes..Props to you, girl! That was a nice recap! And wow, is thatreally how much hair he had at 10mos?
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