Thursday, October 28, 2010

Field Trip!!

Nick has been LOVING pre-school. We only know this because of the giant smile on his face when we are driving up to it and because his teachers say he's doing great and because he has a giant smile on his face when he answers the question, "What did you do at school today?!" with "I don't know". We get very little information out of him, so when the field trip slip came home asking for chaperones, I was all over it!!! I couldn't wait to see the other kids (and the Moms too!) We went on a hay ride, pumpkin hunt, had races, played with the big parachute and did the chicken dance! What more could a kid ask for??

Nick and his pal Jack

Getting ready to sprint off for the pumpkin hunt

Such great listeners!

Waiting for the rest of the kids to come back with their pumpkins

Noses on blue and feet on green!!

The whole gang. I always think of Nick as BIG...maybe because I always see him next to Chelsea, but he looked so little when he was with 16 other kids his own height! They looked like a gang of munchkins. So cute. Next school event is a parent's social...can't wait!!!

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