Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Ripping it up at the Dentist

Today was Nick's first dentist appointment. Kids will never cease to amaze me with their ability to rise to the occasion. I was a little nervous about him getting in the chair and immediately saying, "I'm outta here!" No nerves necessary. The kid was a champ. The first thing she said was that she was going to look in his mouth and then she started showing him her tools...and Nick had his mouth open the entire time...waiting for her to look in his mouth like she said she was going to. I am not sure if he will be remembered more for his stellar performance or for farting 4 times while he was in the chair!!! I wonder at what age farting in front of strangers becomes embarassing...it isn't 3.5 years old!

Pearly whites!

1 comment:

Suzanne said...

LMAO - that is sooooo funny!!! I would say that age varies as Brian has not hit that embarrasment limit yet!!!