Thursday, August 27, 2009

Can't argue with that logic!

About once a week there is a message on Chelsea's "What I did today at Linda's Family ChildCare" sheet that says, "Nick had a great day but had one timeout for hitting". We have tried various tactics to stop this behavoir, the most recent being Ryan trying to have a "discussion" with him about hitting. He tries to get through to him by incorporating Nick's newest fave thing (his fish). The conversation went something like this...

Ryan: "Why would you hit someone?"
Nicholas: "Because I was hitting."
Ryan: "Hitting is not nice. Don't you want to be nice? Look at your fish. Your fish is nice. He doesn't hit."
Nicholas (after looking at the fish inquisitively): "But Daddy, my fish doesn't have any arms so he can't hit."

And that was the end of that conversation!!!!


Erica said...

ha ha ha! It kills me when they are so right about this kind of stuff and say something that leaves you utterly speachless!!! This is an all time favorite for sure!

Anonymous said...

Yeah. Nick 1, Dad 0. Ryan's gonna have to get a bit more clever...maybe... Daddy doesn't hit mommy, because if he did he could go to jail? Well, maybe something a bit more kid friendly;.)

Brooke said...

He is just too smart...hysterical!

Suzanne said...

Oh my gosh - that is sooooo cute!! We had a hitting phase with Evan - it was totally embarrassing but timeouts have helped with that but now Addison is hitting and get this - SPITTING!!! AHHHHHH. She seeks me out sometimes, hits and goes "UH" to add emphasis. And she loves timeout - the attention. AHHHH! Help???