Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Weekend at the Wagners

We were lucky to have lots of visitors this weekend...

On Saturday we had tons of fun with Uncle Tommy and Cousin Owen. It seemed like Chelsea was asleep most of the time they were here but we got a few cute pics of Nick and Owen and some classic video of Owen. These are the kinds of things you catch on video when Mommy is out of town!!!!

On Sunday we had my whole family over (almost)...Nana, Papa, Uncle Pete, Emma, Drew, Leah, Uncle Matt and Auntie Karen (Tara was home sleeping because she worked the night before). After eating lunch and after the kids DESTROYED the basement we got serious and started the dance party (the girls were much more into it than the boys)...


Anonymous said...

HA! You still got the moves Heath! And it looks like Emma is working on that booty clap. Hmmm...but gang-bangesr, drive-bys, forty's, if I can get mine in a big black truck...are those lyrics really kid friendly? HA. I should talk. I caught Jenna saying "i wanna make love, right now na na"...

Brooke said...

"I'm out of breath!" I love this quote...nice moves, Heath. Also, "Once upon a time in '94..." Seriously? you would never know how old we were based on those moves.