Friday, March 27, 2009

Just another Thursday

Nick found this tie in his room and brought it to me and said, "Mommy, can you put this on me?" Of course. Once it was on he smoothed it down and said, "Just like Dr. Chung!" (That's his doctor, who wears ties). Nicholas Wagner, MD has such a better ring to it than Nicholas Wagner, Chippendale.
Still sporting the tie during snack time (I made him take it off when he went down for a nap). I was at the computer doing work while he was eating his rice cakes and when I came over to check in I found this disaster...

It was a gorgeous day out so when Alison, Jack and Megan came over for our weekly get together we headed outside for some sand table fun...

Chelsea had the BIGGEST poop blow out EVER today; I was going to take a picture of the clothes and put it up but I thought that I would spare the viewers. Below she was displaying her grabbing skills... if you put something in front of her, she will grab it and hold it in a death grip (including hair which does NOT feel good!).

1 comment:

Brooke said...

I like Nicholas Wagner, Chippendale, personally. I also love the poop story..Ryan once cut Kate out of a onesie. Aaah! The joys! xoxoxo