Monday, January 26, 2009

First Post

Hello! Welcome to The Wagner blog! My hope is that Nicholas and Chelsea will one day look at this blog and think, "Wow, I am so lucky to have such great parents and to have had (and have) such a great life!" We'll see!!!!!


Suzanne said...

Welcome to the blogging world!! Along with facebook and online shopping, I am sure you will find it to be another time-sucker online (ha!) but I agree, the kids will look back at these someday!! YAY, so excited to spy on the Wagners now too...this and Skype, we are so hi-tech!!

Brooke said...

Yahoo! I love this blog! I am so excited to be able to see the kids (and you guys, too, of course).

D2 said...

Hello Wagners! Very excited about your blog. Maybe you will inspire me to write something on mine again! Miss you!

Anonymous said...

YAY! Looking forward to seeing more pics, and hearing about lil' Wagner happenings! I'll be adding your link to my blog;-)

Sue said...

You're doing a fantastic job.
It's great looking back at all the pictures, I really like the videos too. Keep them coming....
Love you all,